ODI Pharma's Initial Public Offering
Comprehensive info deck
Subscription period
December 16th, 2019 to December 30th, 2019
Subscription price
SEK 9.20 per share
Subscription post
The minimum subscription is 600 shares, corresponding to SEK 5,520
Issue volume and minimum limit for implementation
The offer comprises no more than 2,720,000 shares, equivalent to approx. MSEK 25. Minimum limit for the new share issue’s implementation is approx. 60% of the issue volume. ODI Pharma has secured approx. 70% of the issue amount through subscription commitments totaling MSEK 17,5
Derek Simmross and Volker Wiederrich have both signed pre-subscription agreements to subscribe for approx. MSEK 1,2 each in the new share issue
Valuation (pre-money)
approx. MSEK 115
Market place
The share in ODI Pharma AB is planned to be listed on Spotlight Stock Market.
30/12/2019 - ODI Pharma's IPO subscription is closed
Around 03/01/2020 - The outcome of the IPO subscription will be communicated through a press release on ODI Pharma's and Spotlight Stock Market's website, after the Board of Directors has taken a decision on the allocation of shares
Around 03/01/2020 - Contract notes will be sent out to all subscribers who have been allocated shares. If a subscriber is not allocated any shares, the subscriber will not receive a contract note.
Around 09/01/2020 - Last day of payment for the allocated shares. The number of shares a subscriber has been allocated will be stated on the contract note.
Around 23/01/2020 - ODI Pharma's shares are listed on Spotlight Stock Market and first day of trading under ticker ODI.