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ODI Pharma
25. Mai 20223 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of interim report Q3 2021/2022
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) hereby publishes its interim report for the period July 2021 – March 2022. The report is available...
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ODI Pharma
25. Feb. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
Correction: ODI Pharma AB: Publication of half-year report 2021
Correction: ODI Pharma hereby discloses a revised half-year report for the period July – December 2021. In the previous report, the cost...
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ODI Pharma
24. Feb. 20224 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of half-year report 2021
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) hereby publishes its half-year report for the period July – December 2021. The report is available...
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ODI Pharma
13. Dez. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Announcement from the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ)
This is an unofficial translation of a notice to the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ), originally drafted in Swedish. In...
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ODI Pharma
13. Dez. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
Kommuniké från årsstämma i ODI Pharma AB (publ)
Idag den 13 december 2021 hölls årsstämma i ODI Pharma AB (publ). Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades. Samtliga...
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ODI Pharma
25. Nov. 20213 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of interim report for the first quarter 2021/2022
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI Pharma” or the “Company”) hereby publishes its interim report concerning the period July 2021 – September 2021. The...
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ODI Pharma
18. Nov. 20211 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB publishes the annual report for the fiscal year 2020/2021
The Board of Directors and the Chief Executive Officer of ODI Pharma AB (“ODI Pharma”) hereby publishes the annual report for the fiscal...
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ODI Pharma
9. Nov. 20214 Min. Lesezeit
Notice to Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ)
This is an unofficial translation of a notice to the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ), originally drafted in Swedish. In...
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ODI Pharma
9. Nov. 20214 Min. Lesezeit
Kallelse till årsstämma i ODI Pharma AB (publ)
Aktieägarna i ODI Pharma AB (publ), 559223–1392, kallas härmed till årsstämma måndagen den 13 december 2021 kl. 10.00 i bolagets lokaler...
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ODI Pharma
28. Sept. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB announces the date of official launch of kandol.
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) hereby announces that kandol., the CBD skincare product line, will be officially launched as of...
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ODI Pharma
26. Aug. 20214 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of year-end report for the financial year 2020/2021
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) hereby publishes its year-end report for the fourth quarter and financial year 1st of July 2020 –...
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ODI Pharma
17. Aug. 20213 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB approves the official launch of kandol., an exclusive CBD infused skincare line
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI Pharma” or the “Company”), a producer and representative of finished pharmaceutical cannabis and cosmetics products,...
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ODI Pharma
9. Juli 20212 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Flagging notification
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI Pharma”) has been informed that Mr. Niclas Kappelin has acquired 20’000 shares in ODI Pharma and exceeded the...
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ODI Pharma
27. Mai 20214 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of interim report for the third quarter 2020/2021
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or “the Company”) hereby publishes its interim report concerning the period July 2020 – March 2021. The report is...
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ODI Pharma
21. Apr. 20213 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma: Update on progress in “Project Poland” and “Project Skin”
In January 2021 and February 2021, ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) announced the decision to expand its current business with...
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ODI Pharma
25. Feb. 20214 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma AB: Publication of half-year report 2020
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) hereby publishes its half-year report for the period July – December 2020. The report is available...
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ODI Pharma
22. Feb. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma achieves milestone towards market entry in Poland
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or the “Company”) announces that its subsidiary ODI Pharma Polska Sp. z o.o. has finalized documentation and filed...
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ODI Pharma
14. Jan. 20212 Min. Lesezeit
ODI Pharma proceeds with its plans and launches Project Skin
ODI Pharma AB (“ODI” or “the Company”) announces that the Board of Directors has decided to expand ODI’s current business with...
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ODI Pharma
14. Dez. 20203 Min. Lesezeit
Communique from the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ)
This is an unofficial translation of a communique from the Annual General Meeting in ODI Pharma AB (publ), originally drafted in Swedish....
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ODI Pharma
14. Dez. 20202 Min. Lesezeit
Kommuniké från årsstämma i ODI Pharma AB (publ)
Idag den 14 december 2020, hölls årsstämma i ODI Pharma AB (publ). Nedan följer en sammanfattning av de beslut som fattades. Samtliga...
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